Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I do not know about you but I cannot function well without sleep! When I was pregnant with Jackson, I think that is all I ever did! ha! That is not possible with three small children:) So, I don't usually stay up late. 10p.m. is a good time for me, but it is usually at least 11 before I actually go to sleep. I always seem to find things to keep me up.

When we went on vacation I had to be up EARLY. Early for me was 5a.m. We had to finish packing up the car, shower, and get all 4 of my boys ready to go. Lots of responsibilities on a mother(maybe I should post about that). Lets just say that 5 hours of sleep is not fun for me! I don't usually nap in the car unless I am sure that Marshall is not going to fall asleep at the wheel! Another responsibility:)  He would disagree! Well, I was exhausted after only 5 hours of sleep so I decided I could take a nap in the car. My precious husband took a picture of me while I was sleeping. It is very embarrassing, but it was too hilarious to pass up. And if I can't laugh at myself, then what a boring life! So, I decided I should share the laugh with you:)

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