Saturday, September 10, 2011

Love You More: The Divine Surprise of Adopting My Daughter by Jennifer Grant

Love you More by Jennifer Grant is the author's personal journey through the adoption process. She tells her story from before the adoption process until the end, when she and her husband bring their daughter, Mia, home from Guatemala, and even the years following. Jennifer has three biological children and feels a calling to adopt. This is a precious story of real life!

It took me until about half way through to really get into the book. I really appreciated the part of the book where Grant writes about adoption not being for everyone. Also, I found the section about unethical adoptions, eye opening. What I love is that while reading this you can see Jennifer Grant's heart and her love for her children. She shares personal moments and personal feelings with the readers, which I appreciate. It helped me, the reader, see a clear and beautiful picture of adoption, and helped me understand adoption better. She also helped me see an adoptive mother's heart. It was also great to see the Grant's trust the Lord and to see Him always faithful! Excellent book that challenges presuppositions about adoption! I would recommend this to anyone! But, while recommending I will also warn that parts were hard to push through and were slow reading for me, but the end was worth it. 4 out of 5 stars.

Booksneeze provided me with this book in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book as well. I think it's a great resource for anyone contemplating becoming a parent, whether via adoption or birth. The author has great insights on what it means to be intentional about family culture, but shares them with humor and humility--she's quick to admit she hasn't got it all figured out, but also to share the important questions she's pondering. A well-told, beautifully-written story of what it really means to be a family.
