Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Writ5ing on t5his blog t5akes t5wice as long as it5 should...

Not5ice t5he numbers in t5he t5it5le?.....y6es, that5 is what5 my6 sent5ences act5ually6 look like when I t5y6pe them on my6 comput5er.
      I have to go back and delete every number and symbol from each word that uses a T or Y. I never realized how much I use those two letters! It is time consuming and a little annoying.
      You are probably wondering why I am sharing this...who cares?! Well, I do! I do not enjoy this nor do I do it for fun! Actually, at one point I could not even type a 5 or a 6. So, if you ever wanted to use my computer and your pasword had those numbers, you would need to copy and paste the numbers from another page. UGH. Ridiculous, I know. Now, you are probably wondering what's the point....
       Baylor. Yes, he decided my computer needed a bath. He used germ-x. You can imagine my shock and anger when I walked in and found him with the pump bottle of germ-x at the coffee table, washing away. I have since calmed down:) but,  I always think of Baylor when I type a T% or Y^.
      I just thought you should know that if you ever see an extra number or symbol in my post- that is the reason!

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