My second baby! Of course when I was pregnant, I had all the fears that go along with adding a new baby to the family. And I was not sure I could love any other child as much as I loved Jackson. But, I was definitely wrong. Baylor is our sweet, unique, funny, outgoing little guy. He knows what he wants:) Kind of reminds me of his Daddy. We actually found out that I was pregnant on April 1st! Stinker! In fact, my sister did not believe me! (Probably because the year before I played a little April fools joke!)
Baylor has been my "scariest" pregnancy and birth. I was about 7 weeks pregnant with Baylor and had not gone to my first check up yet. I started bleeding. One of the scariest times in my life, and of course it was on the weekend. I called the doctor and she said "it very well could be a miscarriage". I will never forget her words or how she sounded when she spoke them. I was scheduled to come in Monday morning. I feared the worst, and we prayed. My ultrasound showed that I had a subchorionic hemorrhage. This can be common and it usually dissolves on it's own. I had several ultrasounds and the hemorrhage was smaller and smaller each time. Praise the Lord.
The rest of my pregnancy was normal, which for me means that around 21 weeks I have to have contractions stopped. Not sure why it happens, but I have had preterm labor with each pregnancy and all of my babies were one week before my due date, never earlier.
I was actually scheduled to be induced, however it technically was just labor augmentation, because I was in labor and 4cm dilated when I got to the hospital:) The night before he was born is a fond memory for me. Christopher and April Blaylock were at our house putting uppercase living words on our wall! It was a gift from them. I am not use to measuring things before hanging them on the wall, and if you are not already aware engineers measure! Such fun times! After they left, I cleaned my house spotless and finally went to bed. We had to be at the hospital early the next morning. And just in case you were wondering, Jackson was at Papaw and Gamaws house.
We were at the hospital at 6a.m. and like I said I was in labor and 4 cm dilated! I did have pitocin started at 8:15 and my "water broken" at around 9. I had several people in the room with me and if you have experienced pitocin then you understand it is not fun and I was ready for my epidural! My nurse told me that if I wanted everyone out just to tell her I needed grape juice:) That was our code word! I had an excellent nurse:)
Just a few minutes later everyone but M left so I could get an epidural. It takes about 15 minutes for it to actually take the pain away. I felt strange, and was in pain(my epidural never actually had much of an effect). About that time my nurse told me to turn on my side. Marshall and I could tell that she was concerned. She told me to turn again all the while using the monitor to find Baylor's heartbeat. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about it even now. She was trying to reassure me, but then called for another nurse by pushing the button on my bed, and when the person on the other end said, "just a minute", my nurse said, "no, now!" I think at this point, after asking over and over if my baby was ok and not getting a response was when I really freaked out. My nurse ran to the hall and called for the other nurses. Marshall immediately dropped to his knees and began praying. The nurses rushed in, and I just kept asking if my baby was ok. One of those precious nurses ran in and did not take the time to put a glove on. When she checked me I was 10 cm and "ready to push". They found his heartbeat on the monitor. Thank you Jesus! That was one of the scariest moments of mine and Marshall's life. Baylor had rushed down the birth canal so fast that it put him in distress. Those were the longest 2 minutes of my life. My nurse compared the experience to going from a warm cozy house and running and jumping in an icy pond. It was a shock to his little body. My nurses reassured me that he was going to be fine, hugged me and helped me calm down.
When she told me it was time to push, I was in tears and told her I needed a minute! On the next contraction I was ready to push. Dr. G got there and after 2 more contractions, at 9:49a.m., Marshall and I welcomed our perfect little boy into the world. I was so happy to see his beautiful face! And so grateful to God that he was ok.
About to pop! |
Our first picture! |
Our family of 4 |
Right after birth |
Always scowling:) |
I love him! |
My Bay:) |
I had to throw this in:) C, A, and M working hard! |
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