Saturday, July 23, 2011

While I am on the subject....

While I am on the subject of  technology......Recently, Marshall and I upgraded to smart phones. I did have an old school flip phone. I loved it because it was simple!

I am appreciative of my new phone. It definitely has it's perks! But, I find myself missing my old, what I use to call "piece of crap":) I know I have got to stop saying that word! My kids will start saying it! Anyway, this new phone I have, has SOOOOOO many more options. I can be online anywhere I go. Check Facebook driving down the road! Who would of thought?! Just kidding:) I try to avoid that kind of dangerous activity while driving. But seriously could do that if I wanted! I can check email, get recipes, write a post on my blog, read a book, and basically anything else I want to do! In fact my phone would probably cook for me! Crazy! It is amazing! The world is at my finger tips and I am at the worlds.

I am not so sure I like it. It takes more time than I want to spend. Pulls me in. I am lost without my phone, and I have only had it for a few weeks. If I miss a call or don't respond to a text immediately then something must be wrong! (Probably that I don't fully know how to use the thing!) But seriously, I am not sure I like how available I am. Kind of annoying sometimes!

I miss my old phone. I liked being able to send a text by pushing buttons not Swyping the screen. I am not a fan of the touch screen as much. People say I will get use to it....I hope so!

Sometimes I would rather the simple. Less invasive. Less complicated. I don't even use a third of the features on this phone, mainly because I don't want to take the time to do it. I am happy not knowing all the ins and outs. It is easier that way, simpler. For me, personally, a lot of times less is more. For instance, with my boys, the more toys they have the less they play with them. It is overwhelming! The more I cram in my life, whether it be activities or 'things', the less time I have for the most  important things- The less time I spend with Jesus. The less 'real' time I spend with Marshall and the boys. And it is not that these things are bad! They are great things, but satan can use good things to destroy a person. I just want to be cautious that I am not letting MORE get the best of me.

Wow, did not mean for this post to turn into this:) I am keeping this new phone.....but I am not sure I will "get use to it", and I am not sure I really care to:)

"There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less."
G.K. Chesterton

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to have the features if you need them. But even if you try not to get dependent on them, they still tend to become addictive.
